Friday, January 4, 2019

No Regrets

    I’ve said it before, and looking back at it all, I still can honestly say, I have no regrets... None whatsoever. Now that is not to say that I have never done anything wrong or never done something that I wish never happened. Don’t put that on me. I never said that I’ve never sinned, I said that I have no regrets... There’s a difference. Sinning was my action. Regret is my feelings or my response to my action. There is so much in life that effects us only to the extent that we allow it to effect us by our response.Perhaps it would be helpul to take a moment and reread that last sentence again...

    I should also point out there is a difference between remorse and regret. There is a difference between feeling sorrow over something you have done and regretting it. There are judges who have the difficult duty of deciding that a child should be separated and taken away from their neglectful and maybe even abusive parents. I’m sure they feel sorrow over having to carry out such a judgment but in light of the health and safety of the child, I doubt they regret it. 

    The same could be said (kind of) when it comes to sin. I indeed do feel sorrow and remorse when I recall the sins I have committed and the negative effect those actions have had on others, especially those who were under my leadership. That being said, I don’t regret them. The reason being, there simply is no point in regretting them. At the end of the day, there is nothing I can do about my past. Even if somehow I had the ability to go back in time and stop myself from making a mistake there would be no point. The Bible says that “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” 

    So even if I could change the bad things I’ve done, the fact that I am a natural born sinner means I probably would have messed up another way. I can not pardon myself, I can not redeem myself, and I can not save myself. Only Jesus can do that. So you see there really is no point in having regrets when it comes to the sins of my past. The blood of Jesus has taken care of my past, the blood of Jesus is taking care of my present, and the blood of Jesus will take care of my future. #ItIsFinished