Sunday, June 21, 2015

Are You Standing Under an Eclipse?

Most of us know what happens during a solar eclipse. The moon passes between the sun and the earth blotting out the suns light. All that is left is a black disk in the sky with a bright ring around it depending on where you are during the event. I remember the first time I saw one, it was amazing. I quickly understood why an eclipse rattled civilizations centuries ago.
For us, an eclipse is fascinating but not a big deal because we know how it works. Could you imagine what an eclipse would be like if you had no idea what it was or how it happened? Think about it. Everyday you feel the warmth of the sun, you see its light brighten everything giving life to the world around you. Then suddenly out of the middle of nowhere, this dark, thing covers up the sun. Not only are you afraid, your also confused. It was bright outside, now it's dark... but it's only two o'clock in the afternoon!
Maybe that's what life is like for you. Things were going great, everything was the way it was supposed to be and everyone you wanted in your life was there. Then something happened and blotted out the sunshine in you life. Now your standing confused and afraid in the dark and it's only two o'clock in the afternoon.
Notice that during an eclipse, the moon only covers up the sun, but the sun is still there. Don't be afraid. God wants you to know that even though things are kind of dark right now, He is getting ready to move this thing out of the way so the "Sonshine" can light up your life again. Have faith and trust in Jesus the Son. He will bring light to your life again.

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