Monday, July 27, 2015

Assembly of Praise! I Release You!

Yesterday morning, was a powerful time in God's presence at The Assembly of Praise. As I think over all that God did during our Sunday morning service, I recall how this awesome move of the Spirit started when I released the people to "abandon the pew" and come to the front to praise and worship God as they felt led.

I felt as though some of us felt like we needed to be "released" to do that; released to come to the altar. Forgive me for using a worldly analogy. But it's kind of like a middle school dance... Everyone stands around awkwardly because no one quite knows "the rules" or if they are "released" to swarm the dance floor and get their groove on. Then that one person steps out and next thing you know the dance floor is flooded and everyone has a great time and no one wants to leave.

Corny analogy I know, sorry. But that's kind of what it felt like yesterday.

We just needed to be released to leave the pew, stand at the front, kneel at the front, dance at the front, march around the sanctuary, etc. And as soon as we were "released" to do that, what happened...? The Spirit broke out in a mighty way. Praise God! God wants us to do the same thing this Sunday.

So, Assembly of Praise, I release you! Not only do I release you to leave your pew and worship or just praise God right where you are at during the music, I release you even before service! Read that last sentence again! Why wait until the Praise and Worship team takes the platform? Have you ever got to church and thought, "I can't wait until church starts so I can just worship and spend time in His presence!"?

You can! Feel free, feel released to approach the front, to come to the altar to pray and worship before the music starts, before the welcome video starts playing, even before the Praise and Worship team starts praying. You are released to step into His presence and begin worshiping as soon as you walk through the door! Don't wait for me, don't wait for us. Just enter in! Don't let the worship team lead you into worship this Sunday, let us join you as you already are in His presence

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