Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Ending Gun Violence

It has happened again. Another mass shooting has come to what should be the safest country in the world. As usual, Americans on all sides of the political spectrum are having knee jerk reactions.

Some Americans point to this repetitive pattern of gun violence as clear evidence for gun law reforms or even stricter gun laws. There are renewed calls for an assault weapons ban, mandatory universal background checks, a national gun owner registry, and even gun owners insurance.

Other Americans maintain that this tragedy is just another reason to relax current gun restrictions. The call for banning "Gun Free" zones is gaining momentum as these tragedies take place where citizens have been prevented from protecting themselves. Shooters pick these gun free zones because they know that they will be “gun free” and therefore have no defense.

Our nation hasn't always had this gun problem. As a matter of fact, from 1927-1990 there were less than 10 mass shootings in our schools. Then from 1990 on there has been at least one school shooting every year, most recently, multiple school shootings every year. So what was different about our society back then? Certainly there weren't more gun free zones. In fact, decades ago you could carry guns in more places than you can today.

I remember my grandfather telling me of a time when everybody had a gun and sometimes, kids even carried them to school. He told me that "back in his day" you could wake up early, go hunting, go to school after hunting and leave your gun in your truck in the school parking lot with no problem. Yet, there were hardly any schools shootings back then like there are every few months today.

So what was different? Consider America's attitude to God, faith, and the Bible back then. Our society embraced faith back then. We were a people of faith. We upheld the teachings of the Bible and at least tried to govern with its guidance. And we honored God. Morals and right living were not seen as antiquated, restrictive, and "judgmental" as they are today. Immorality was condemned, shunned, and spoken against from the highest office. Not encouraged and legislated like it is today. If we want to stop the cycle of mass shootings in our nation, we need to return to that.

The answer to ending gun violence is neither more gun control nor more relaxed gun laws. The only way to end gun violence is for America to return being a nation of faith, that is committed to biblical principles, and honors God. We have taken prayer out of school, the Ten Commandments out of the courthouse, and the name of Jesus out of our prayers. We have allowed society to degenerate into corruption and to drift away from God, and we wonder why we see a mass shooting on the news every few months. 
The increase in mass shootings in not because of more gun laws neither is it because of the NRA. It is because our nation has abandoned the practice of teaching people what is right and what is wrong. The violence we see today is a direct manifestation of our neglect to encourage each other to live righteously, ethically, and within certain moral boundaries.

We, as a society, have been conditioned to flinch and cringe at the very thought of "moral boundaries". That was from a different time, an oppressive time... It was also from a time where 7 year olds weren't being slaughtered in their classrooms...  Not because of political and ideological control and manipulation, but because our culture reflected our values. So these atrocities were the tragic exception not the routine.

Gun control will not stop this, neither will the NRA. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can stop this. The lifechange that comes from the Gospel will change the direction of our society in numerous ways including gun violence. Sadly, it may take a generation to get back to where we need to be. But we must start today. Let's start today. Not in book of the law in the house of Congress, but in the book of the Bible in the House of God.

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